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E-Mail Anti-Spam Tools


This section is for programs that help you deal with the mass volumes of Unsolicited Commercial Email (UCE or Spam) that many of us get today. These programs help you by deleting mail off the server that triggers certain criteria, by emailing the postmaster at the domain the spam originates from, and more. Read the readme files for these programs, as they have the ability to delete your mail without your permission and should be used, but used with care. For programs to download and read your mail, look in the Email Clients section. There are also tools that check your mail and notify you if you have new mail in the Email Checkers and Utilities Section.

Spam Hater

  • Version Number: 2.04
  • Revision Date: November, 1996
  • File Name: spamh.exe
  • Byte Size 742,145
  • License: Freeware
  • Homepage:
  • Also Available: Windows 95 Version
  • Description: A great program for a more active approach to spam. Spam Hater integrates with your email program and newsreader to automate responding to spam. The program extracts all the addresses from the headers of the spam messages, and responds to the postmaster and abuse mailboxes at these addresses with either a pregenerated message or one you write up yourself letting them know you do not appreciate spam. Some domains will delete spammers if found, so this may help, and takes little time with Spam Hater. Includes both a 32 bit and a 16 bit version.
    4.5 Cows

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